Hi Dan,

How does this behave in a competing situation when both a html and pdf file with the same name are present? Will only be one of them linked or both?

Best wishes

On 03/29/2013 11:16 PM, Dan Tenenbaum wrote:
Hi all,

I wanted to announce a small new feature of the Bioconductor web
site--if there are HTML files in the inst/doc directory of a built
package tarball they will (with the exception of index.html which is a
special case) be linked to on the package landing page.

For packages which have HTML files in inst/doc, all other files there
(such as images) will be available so that the HTML documents will
render correctly from our site.

For example, if you go to the RGalaxy landing page:


In the Documentation section, you can click on "HTML" and see the HTML
vignette for this package.

This feature is in response to the greater support for non-Sweave
vignettes in R 3.0, but you can link to any HTML documents using this
feature, not just vignettes.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

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