Dear all,

I’ve had some trouble clearing the WARNING from R CMD check on tokay2 for my 
package piano 
). As an example, I get this warning:

Rd warning in diffExp.Rd:75: “file link '01.Introduction' in package 'limma' 
does not exist and so has been treated as a topic”

I have been trying to fix this over the last week but I cannot reproduce the 
warning on my system and therefore had to rely on iterating fixes and waiting 
for the check report on, which has been a bit slow for obvious 
reasons. I hope this WARNING will not prevent piano from being included in the 
next release, as it is “only” a documentation issue?

I have followed the solution provided here:
This basically involves making cross-links in the Rd-files like this: 
\link[pkg:foo]{bar}, where foo is the ‘file’, pkg is the package and bar is the 
link text. As an example, I have in diffExp.Rd:75: 
\link[limma:01.Introduction]{limma}. This link works fine on my system and 
shows the limma package introduction page if one clicks the link.

In addition, in my R console, commands: ?limma, ?`01.Introduction` and 
?limma::`01.Introduction` all show the same help page, at the top displaying 
“01.Introduction {limma}”.

Does anyone have any pointers as how to properly format these links in Rd files 
to avoid the WARNING mentioned above?

Thanks for any help!

Kind regards

Leif Väremo Wigge

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