Le 2018-04-17 14:27, Alexander Demenshin a écrit :
On 2018-04-17 13:31, wi...@mailoo.org wrote:

As I said, the mem leak does not apppear in the `birdc show memory` command.
It is shown at the OS level, and is shown via the `free` command.

What do you mean by "OS level"? Which exactly level? What is the actual process
size as reported by ps ("ps axuw|grep bird")?

By "OS Level" I mean the memory used as reported by the kernel from /proc/meminfo.
The process size is rather standard:

bird 1737 0.0 0.0 15540 2216 ? Ss Apr17 0:01 /usr/sbin/bird -f -u bird -g bird

If I sum up the size of all processes, I don't even reach 1Gib. But the memory used
reported by the kernel increases gradually until it reaches OOM.

If ps shows size similar to what you see in birdc "show mem", then the leak
is definitely not in bird (though it may be related) - it is in kernel
or some other process.

It might not be in bird, but it is definitely triggered by it.


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