On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 03:32:36PM +0100, Alarig Le Lay wrote:
> Hi,
> With bird1, I can know how much routes are used for each protocol just
> by parsing birdc:
> [alarig@nominoe ~]$ birdc show protocols all bgp_breizhix | grep 'Routes:'
>   Routes:         75 imported, 0 filtered, 4 exported, 73 preferred
> With bird2, I don’t see this information:
> [alarig@budic ~]$ birdc -r show protocols all bgp_breizhix_ipv4
> [alarig@budic ~]$ time birdc -r show route count primary table master4 
> protocol bgp_breizhix_ipv4 | awk '/routes/ { print $1 }'
> Is there a faster manner to do this?


Not really, we removed the preferred counter as it was misleading -
it counted each route several times for each routing table in which
it was preferred.

> My goal is to adapt
> https://git.grifon.fr/alarig/munin-bird/src/branch/master/bird_ to
> bird2.

I would just also drop the preferred counter from the munin script.

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Ondrej 'Santiago' Zajicek (email: santi...@crfreenet.org)
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