Hi all!
After watching about a dozen Common Loon, 2 Red-necked and 2 Horned Grebe at Point Edward in the heavy SW winds, I decided to drive south along the river(hoping for a Cave Swallow to have been blown back?). Several places had good gull activity(usual 3 sp.) but I did see 10 Common Goldeneye and 2 Hooded Merganser and some 50 or more Mute Swan. Further south near Snye I saw a small flock of large birds flying with the strong SW wind and decided to stop for a better look. When I found them they were just landing about 2/3 fields away and by their erect stance I knew they were not the geese I expected. I got much closer to these 6 Sandhill Crane by turning left onto Langstaff Line - they were feeding in a harvested corn field near the RR tracks behind houses #5745 and #5763. I did a quick sweep of the south end of Walpole Island where there were many blackbirds, but had to hie back to Sarnia to rescue Penny from her flu clinic at Wal Mart. Cheers! Maris

Langstaff Line runs between Hwy#40 and St. Clair Parkway north of Cty. Rd.#31(I'm not sure if this is Lambton or Kent).

Maris Apse - OFO SALES
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

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