Hi all,
     Yesterday, Penny and I took a drive around the point after checking out 
the polling station for our Tuesday duties.  There were 2 adults keeping a 
juvenile Sandhill Crane very close/between themselves - possibly our 'local' 
      At the 'mowed field' opposite Bressettes a Whimbrel was catching insects 
and occasionally probing along with 3 Killdeer. 
 On the rocks at the main point there were ~ 100 Plack-bellied and ~ dozen 
Golden Plovers, ~15 Dunlin, ~8 Greater yellowlegs and 3/4 pectoral Sandpipers. 
Also 2 adult Great Black-backed and  ~8 Bonaparte's Gull and on the beach 3 
                                                   Cheers!  Maris               
Directions: Access K.P. from Hwy. #21 and Lakeshore Road Lambton Cty. Rd. #7 
and drive to lake.
  Maris Apse   10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0  
(519)  238 - 8415     

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birding organization.
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