This afternoon around 2:30 p.m. there were about 9 pine grosbeaks in the 
crabapple tree.  The pine siskins are still hanging about. Other birds joining 
the fun are a flock of goldfinches and half a dozen juncos.

(Pics of the grosbeaks and siskin are now on my blog:   "Chelsea's Blog")

Glenburnie, north of Kingston, near corner of Unity Rd. and Hwy 10.

Yesterday and again today while walking the dog at Little Cataraqui Creek 
Conservation Area (Hwy 10, just north of 401, Kingston)  I saw and heard the 
small flock of robins that is hanging around there, this time at the start of 
the south end trail past the offices, near the closed gate.  Yesterday I was 
about 90% sure I heard a great horned owl calling (about 1:30 p.m.) in the 
woods off the south trail, but with the bitterly cold wind that was blowing 
both Dog and I were not eager to hang around to check it out.

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