I'm posting for Mark Conboy, who re-found the white adult Gyrfalcon
from the Wolfe Island ferry early this morning (March 5th).  Mark had
the bird on the west side of the channel today, a long distance from
the ferry between the mainland and Garden Island.  While the ferry
channel is still heavily clogged with broken ice, he reported a
reasonable number of waterfowl and gulls so perhaps the bird will
continue to be twitchable in the presence of suitable prey.  Good luck
if you try for this positively stunning bird!

Directions: The Kingston-side ferry dock is south of the intersection
of Barrack and Ontario Sts. in downtown Kingston.  See
http://www.wolfeisland.com/ferry.php for schedule.

Chris Kimber
MSc. Candidate
Dept. of Biology
Queen's University
Kingston, ON
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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