Hi all,
    Penny, Emi and I took a short drive into the park this afternoon. The 
feeders at the Visitor Centre had about 8/10 Pine Siskin and a similar number 
of Common Redpoll along with the more regular visitors. Emi and I walked the 
Cedar trail loop, seeing only 1 deer. On the way home I decided to drive 
'around the block' turning right at Greenway Rd off Hwy #21 and then left up 
Klondyke Rd, where at the VB Gravel Pit #5 - Green # 9899 I spotted a flock of 
~30 Bohemian Waxwing at the top of a tall Poplar/Aspen at 4:00 p.m. today. 
After turning the corner and close to Hwy#21 a second Northern Harrier in adult 
male plumage sailed south(we saw one earlier in the park near the causeway, 
where there is currently no open water and the ice is ~3 feet higher than last 
week.    Maris
Directions - Pinery P.P. entry is west off Hwy #21 ~6 km south of Grand Bend 
and Greenway Road runs east off Hwy #21 just north of Pinery P.P. entry and 
Lambton County Museum. 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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