25 October 2011

Hotline: Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club
Phone number: 613-860-9000
For the Bird Status Line PRESS * (star)
To report bird sightings PRESS 1 (one)
Coverage: Ottawa/Gatineau (Canada National Capital Region)
E. Ontario,W. Quebec
Compiler & transcriber: Chris Lewis hagen...@primus.ca, or sighti...@ofnc.ca

Dynamic weather brought some dynamite birds to Ottawa-Gatineau, including
more than our usual share of rarities.

Waterfowl were well-represented. BRANT moved though in flocks of 40 - 60 and
varying numbers have been scattered along the Ottawa River since the 20th. A
few CACKLING GEESE were again reported among flocks of CANADAs, good numbers
of migrant and resident dabbling ducks were noted in various locations, and
2 male EURASIAN WIGEON were still in Baie Noire on the Quebec side of the
river on the 22nd. Rafts of diving ducks continue to build up - a mixed
flock of RING-NECKED DUCK and both species of SCAUP totalling perhaps 400
birds were on the river below Deschenes on the 24th. On the 20th a
significant movement of SCOTERS occurred, and small numbers of all 3 species
have been present through the 24th. Several LONG-TAILED DUCKS, BUFFLEHEAD,
COMMON GOLDENEYE and all 3 species of MERGANSERS have been seen daily. At
least 200 RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS were seen on the river between Shirley's
Bay and Britannia Bay on the 20th, with several remaining since then.

Up to 5 RED-THROATED LOONS were counted on the river on the weekend, and a
large flight of GREBES brought at least 60 each of HORNED and RED-NECKED
along with a very rare WESTERN GREBE on the 23rd. Attempts to relocate this
bird on the 24th were unsuccessful. A brief fly-by of a juvenile NORTHERN
GANNET contributed to the excitement on the 22nd but evidently it just kept
heading west as most do when they stray to Ottawa.

The most recent report of  HUDSONIAN GODWITS was of 4 in the Deschenes
rapids on the 19th, a single DUNLIN flew over Andrew Haydon Park on the
21st, and single RED PHALAROPES were at the Alfred lagoons on the 21st and
22nd, and the Casselman lagoons on the 23rd. A couple of BONAPARTE'S GULLS
were still on the Ottawa River on the 23rd.

The undisputed highlight was a first winter RAZORBILL discovered below
Deschenes rapids on the 22nd. It was still present and quite active as of at
least the 24th. This is the first record of this species in the
Ottawa-Gatineau 50 km circle!

Recent sightings of RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER in the village of Pakenham and
CAROLINA WREN in the Britannia Conservation Area serve as a reminder to get
those bird feeders up for the cold season to come. A possible 2nd CAROLINA
WREN was also seen father west near Andrew Haydon Park. Both species of
KINGLETS were in several locations on the weekend, and back on the 17th 4
EASTERN BLUEBIRDS visited a backyard in the Beacon Hill neighbourhood.
AMERICAN PIPITS continue to move through, and lots of YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS
are still around. Three late CHIPPING SPARROWS continue to visit a feeder
near Andrew Haydon Park, at least one FIELD SPARROW was still in the
Shirley's Bay area on the 21st, and a LINCOLN'S SPARROW was at Britannia on
the 23rd. WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS and DARK-EYED JUNCOS are ubiquitous,
PURPLE FINCHES were again reported from diverse locations, and a small
number of EVENING GROSBEAKS were in Pakenham on the weekend.

Thank you - Good Birding!

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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