   250 Tundra Swans in 8 flocks flew north over the Rainy River Sewage Lagoons 
May 5
2 pairs of Trumpeter Swans on territory NW Arm of Rainy Lake 
Eared Grebes 1 May 4 at NW arm of Rainy Lake, 1 in Emo Sewage lagoon May 5
Horned Grebes dozens daily on Rainy Lake NW Arm with a high of 141 on May 3 and 
2 at Emo Sewage lagoon May 5
Red-necked Grebes on Rainy Lake NW Arm 131 on May 3
Dozens of American White Pelicans easily seen daily on Rainy lake and Lake of 
the Woods
Sharp-tailed Grouse 2  flushed from roadside in the  Rainy River- Harris 
Hill area
2 Red-shouldered Hawks observed so far, all 3 falcons today with American 
Kestrel widespread 
A few Bald Eagles on nests  The courtship locked talon death spiral was 
observed last night on Rainy Lake.
Sandhill Cranes are widespread and vocal, 1 Sora at the Rainy River Sewage 
Lagoons today
Wilson's Phalarope 53 at Rainy River Sewage lagoon and 3 at Emo Sewage Lagoon
 1 Least Sandpiper at Emo as well
I have not seen any Franklins Gull yet. On May 3 there were 1600 Bonapartes 
gull staging on Rainy Lake NW Arm.
Great Gray Owls heard nightly in the  Rainy lake area. One bird in the drizzle 
this morning was observed adjacent to highway 11 just east of Emo.
1 Red-headed Woodpecker May 5 On river road nw of Rainy River.
At Harris Hill 7 species of woodpecker present including Red-bellied and nearby 
a male Black-backed.
Black-billed Magpies are widespread and easily seen if one drives on any of the 
roads north of Hwy 11. 
Warblers widespread but mostly Yellow-rumped with small numbers of Pine, Palm 
and Black and White.
1 Lark Sparrow on River road just nw of Rainy River, It was foraging in a 
cattle pen beside some Blue machinery/containers and near 2 Harris Sparrows
7 Harris Sparrows today (3 on south end of River Road and 4 at Harris Hill 
other Sparrows Leconte 1, White-crowned, etc  
2 Eastern Towhees in the Rainy Lake area 
Longspur Sp. I got a glimpse a longspur flying in field along River Road with 
several Lapland Lonspurs that looked like a Smith's. But I could not relocate 
it to confim if it was.
2 Western Meadowlarks
5 Yellow-headed Blackbirds, 20+ Purple Finches and 1 Pine Siskin at Harris Hill 
resort feeders
16 Evening Grosbeak at Emo Sewage Lagoon
Rainy River area is 23hrs nw of Toronto.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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