Mark Gawn just called (9:10) to indicate that the Western Grebe is still 
present on the Ottawa River. He saw the bird from the Kitchissippi Lookout on 
the Ottawa River Pkwy. It was on the Ontario side of the river, moving west, 
but near the middle of the river between the Kitchissippi and Des Chenes Rapids 
Lookouts. This bird has been seen since October 16th from both sides (Ontario 
and Quebec) of the river between the Des Chenes rapids and the Champlain 
bridge. It feeds up and down that stretch of water, favours the Quebec side of 
the river, but generally speaking it is on the Ontario (south) side (usually 
towards the middle of the river) when it moves west up river and then on the 
Quebec (north) side when it moves east down river towards the Champlain bridge.
The Ottawa River Parkway can be accessed from Carling Ave at Lincoln Heights or 
from the north end of Woodroffe Ave.
Good birding,
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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