Hi Birders,

I was driving down, near Lake St. Clair for work today, and was able to make a 
small detour to the Ridgetown sewage lagoons. I didn't find the reported 
Blue-winged Teal, however I was pleased to see the Ross's Geese were present - 
though today there were 4: 3 of which appeared to be adults and 1 a juv.. 

The lagoons were pretty decent, with a smattering of other ducks present, 
though no 'stand-outs'. I was working in the Lake St. Clair area today and 
turned up some decent birds, most notably a single Common Yellowthroat, 2 
Peregrine Falcons, 5 Cackling Geese, and two very interesting hybrids. The 
first appeared to be a Snow X Canada Goose, and the second was a brilliant male 
Mallard X Northern Pintail (something I had never seen before).

Directions to the Ridgetown Sewage Lagoons as per Jeremy Bensette: The 
Ridgetown Sewage Treatment Plant is located at the intersection of Mitton Line 
and Mitton Industrial Park Road, north of Ridgetown in Kent County.

For my other sightings, please email me privately, as these were seen on 
private property.

Ken Burrell
Waterloo ON
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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