One Western Grebe offshore from the second small parking lot of Humber Bay West Park about 3:30 pm.The bird was about 100 yards offshore adjacent a small group of Long-tailed Ducks. It moved slightly closer, then went much farther out (400+ yards). Eye was completely contained in the black cap. Photos were taken.

Humber Bay West Park is located on the south side of Lakeshore Boulevard 200 yards west of the intersection of Lakeshore and Park Lawn. Exit the Gardiner Expressway east bound at Parklawn and proceed south to Lakeshore,west to Humber Bay West. Continue into the park past the first large parking lot and the two yacht clubs. Around the curve use the second parking lot on the left. The grebe was due south of the parking lot and rock barrier.

Bob Hawkins

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birding organization.
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