Yesterday, as I walked out of the garage a Turkey Vulture soared over the 
house, prompting me to drive down to check the Thedford bog area off Greenway 
Rd for swans. I estimated ~ 800/1,000 birds - almost all resting among the corn 
stub on the south side of the road ~400 M east of Hwy #21 and directly behind 
Lambton County Museum off Goosemarsh Rd.
There was very little open water and a few swans and gulls were on the ice but 
this has probably already changed with warm temperatures overnight and the 
bright sun shining this morning. Forecast of rain tonight and to-morrow should 
make for a lot more water out on the flats and facilitate more waterfowl 
migrants to show up imminently. Hopefullt the cooler temps starting Tue/Wed 
won't slow the birds too much!
Directions - Greenway Road runs east from Hwy #21 just north of Pinery P.P. 
entry gates, past the museum and ends at Greenway on Middlesex County Rd #81. I 
did not venture around the gravel roads to look for more flocks yesterday.    
Cheers!   Maris
  Maris Apse  Box 22  BOP  RR2  Grand Bend  ON  N0M 1T0  519-238-8415           
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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