Blenheim Lagoons are officially opened for the birding season.
Water levels are high, no surprise there, with our wet Spring.
An abundance of Ruddy Ducks are there just now, and many
more species are anticipated shortly.
Our usual Phalaropes are a wee bit tardy--but will come.

Sadly, my reason for this posting, is the lack of consideration
of visitors at the lagoon, this early in the season.
Volunteers have had to buy new chains for the gate, ties, etc.
after people have "walked off" with the others.
The listing box has been left wide open--exposing the new
2013 book to the elements.
All of this is very frustrating to the volunteers who care for the
birding site, and handle the business end with the Municipality.

I know--the guilty parties are probably not even reading this !
Please speak up if you see any infractions happening there
this season--as we should at any birding site !

Your "FREE"  yearly pass can be accessed by emailing to 
Candy at the Municipal Office. For other methods---reply to
this email privately.
Give Candy: Your name, address. New ? Or renewal ?


Thank you for reading the above---Irene Woods, Chatham-Kent

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd. ] in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate. Enter at this gate only. Park on the lagoon side of road.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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