Another good day of birding at Point Pelee National Park this morning.
At least 17 species of warbler have been seen on the Friends of Point
Pelee hikes and by other birders. The highlights include: a MOURNING
WARBLER just south of the Visitor Centre on the Woodland Trail by the
Black Walnut tree display sign; and, a CANADA WARBLER at the north end
of the Tilden seasonal trail. The other species are widely distributed
throughout the Park. Females of a number of Warbler species are also
now being seen in good numbers.

There are reports of SUMMER TANAGER in two locations in the Park, one
on the seasonal trail at the northen end of the Tilden Trail and one
from the Tip. Given the time between the reports it could be one bird
moving south to it's breeding grounds.

There was a small reverse migration off the Tip this morning mostly
involving  BLUE JAY and BOBOLINK.

BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO has been reported on the West Beach Trail. Perhaps
take the tram to the Tip and work your way north for the best chances
of seeing this species.

The LITTLE GULL is still being seen at the Tip and it was joined by up
to 6 juvenal plumage and one adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL.

Good Birding,
Festival of Birds Hike Leaders: Pete R, Karl, Todd, Justin, John, Ellen,
Sarah, Jean, Ross, Peter M, Mike and Alvan

The Festival of Birds runs from May 3-20 - for a detailed schedule visit
For highlights and other update follow us at

The Festival is brought to you by  Parks Canada - Point Pelee National Park
and the Friends of Point Pelee.  Hikes are generously supported by Quest
Nature tours.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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