Hi all - yes this bird reported by several observers this week was seen by 
Penny and I late this afternoon. We watched it from the west berm as it fed 
along the SW shoreline - it made a fairly long flight and I thought it may be 
heading to roost but it flew overhead, giving us great looks at its golden 
slippers and landed on the gravel/dirt spit/pile on southside of main lagoon 
with 6/7 Great Egrets. We drove around and got a reasonable 'Coolpix' shot of 

                        Cheers!   Maris

Directions - from the westerly Tilbury exit turn right on Edgefield Rd  and 
right again on Lakeshore 303 driving along to the lagoons on right - just north 
of Hwy #401. 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Rd, Box 22 BOP, RR 2 Grand Bend  ON  N0M 1T0
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birding organization.
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