Hi Birders,

I visited Pelee Island on Monday and Tuesday (December 2nd and 3rd), visiting 
some friends from the bird observatory. I birded from noon till dusk on the 
2nd, and all day on the 3rd. 

Here are my highlights:
Snowy Owl - 1 young bird (female?) both days at the Scudder dock
Northern Goshawk - 1 young female hunting blackbirds on the 4th in Scudder
Red-shouldered Hawk - 1 young bird in the Stone Road Alvar on the 3rd
Field Sparrow - 1 bird near the Winery on the 4th
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 2 birds near Middle Point, and 1 bird in the Winery
Northern Flicker - high of 52 throughout the island on the 4th (they were 
everythere - this is a conservative count)
Yellow-rumped Warbler - total of 50ish, seen throughout the island, pretty 
Fox Sparrow - 1 bird in the Winery

Raptor numbers were abundant, with the following species being noted, with high 
counts observed: RTHA (19), COHA (5), BAEA (4), NOHA (2), and the NOGO and 
RSHA. Pretty impressive given Pelee Island is farmed so intensively and also 
the island is <40km2.


For any directions, please email me. Please note that ferry service is stopping 
on the 9th.

Ken Burrell
Peterborough/Waterloo, ON

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