Published with permission of the Ontbirds Coordinator

Assistance needed in Barn Swallow Study,
Although the Barn Swallow is still a common bird, the number of Barn Swallows 
in Ontario has decreased by 65 percent over the past almost 50 years.  
Currently, the reasons for the decline are unknown.  This year will mark the 
second year of Bird Studies Canada's Barn Swallow surveys in southern Ontario 
and the information gathered by biologists as well as citizen scientists will 
help us identify habitat needs as well as guide the design of replacement 
nesting structures.
Bird Studies Canada is encouraging individuals to report their first Barn 
Swallow sightings of the spring in Ontario to  This survey 
will help us find out how many birds have already returned to Ontario, how many 
will still be returning, and where they are nesting.  If you are interested in 
finding out more about Barn Swallows or how you could act as a steward, please 
contact Stewardship Biologist, Kristyn Richardson at<>.

Kathy Jones
Ontario Programs Volunteer Coordinator
(Canadian Lakes Loon Survey)
Bird Studies Canada
P.O. Box 160
Port Rowan, ON
N0E 1M0<>
Toll Free 1-888-448-2473 ext. 124

>From time to time, BSC may send you information regarding our programs, 
>special issues, membership, and other correspondence. If you would prefer not 
>to receive this information, please contact us by mail at the address above or 
>e-mail<>. Thank you.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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