Hello Ontbirders,

Today I spent a couple of hours around 11am at Col Sam Smith Park in south 
Etobicoke.  A beautiful male Harlequin Duck was on the east side bay about 
50-100m off the first east side rocky point, it was associating with a flock of 
25-30 Bufflehead.  Also here were 35+ Red-necked Grebes (2 nest building in the 
inner bay, where the marina is), and 2 Horned Grebes and many Swallows (Tree, 
Cliff, Bank & Barn), a Chimney Swift and 6 Common Terns. 

Inland from the point in the brushy area on the east side of the big open 
grassy field were several passerines including 2 Least Flycatchers, 50+ 
White-throated, 1 White-crowned, 2 Swamp, several Song and a couple of Chipping 
Sparrows. Eastern Towhee, Brown Thrasher, Palm, 20 + Yellow-rumped and a 
Black-and-white Warbler.

On the west side of the field near the building with the big chimney stack were 
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, Nashville & Yellow-rumped Warblers and a cooperative 
Northern Waterthrush. Also here were Veery and a few Hermit Thrushes. 

Earlier at G Ross Lord Park (Dufferin & Finch in NW Toronto) I had a male 
Eastern Bluebird and a Lincoln's Sparrow amongst other birds. 

Good birding,
Frank Pinilla
Richmond Hill


Colonel Sam Smith Park is located at the south end of Kipling Avenue in 
Etobicoke, on the western edge of Toronto - exit the QEW at Kipling and head 

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