Hello Ontbirders,

My brother and I just had the Franklin's Gull fly over our heads and around the 
3 southerly ponds at the Blenheim Sewage Lagoons and then kept flying off to 
the south.  We watched it for several minutes noting the dark grey mantle, 
black wingtips, darkish underwing with white at base of primaries and partial 
but extensive black hood (with notable white entering). Noticeable primaries 
missing from one wing. 

Also here are a Horned Grebe and an assortment of other waterfowl incl Redhead, 
Blue & Green-winged Teal, Ring-necked Duck, Ruddy Duck & Lesser Scaup and a few 
American Coots.

Good birding,
Frank & Rob Pinilla


The sewage lagoons are on Lagoon Road just north of the Talbot Trail just west 
of the town of Blenheim. A free permit is required either through the town of 
Blenheim or at the Rondeau PP Visitor Centre.

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