Just an update for those who need one for these GTA birds: the male Cerulean 
Warbler was still singing and showing well just east of the lakeshore 
footbridge at Paletta Park in Burlington this morning (10:00-11:00) and the 
Yellow-breasted Chat (though not singing at all) was still present at the 
westernmost point of the walking trails at Ashbridges Bay in Toronto at 6:00 

Paletta Park had a nice variety of warblers - 16 species that I counted, 
including the Cerulean, a Blue-winged, Cape May & Blackpoll - and four Orchard 

Colonel Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke was also busy with birds. I dipped on the 
Golden-winged Warbler reported there this morning but lucked into an 
Orange-crowned (thanx Bob), two Canadas (thanx Robert), and another Blackpoll, 
among 15 warbler species (pour moi). 

Ron Fleming, Newmarket
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