Long Point Bird Observatory Sightings Board - October 10 to 17, 2014.

It took a few days for the massive movement that occurred last week to die 
down, but warm weather, south winds, and rain kept most new passerine movement 
at bay. Waterfowl numbers and diversity continue to build. More than 10,000 
Redhead, and thousands of Lesser Scaup and dabblers frequent the Inner Bay, 
while 5-10,000 scaup, mostly greater are still congregating on the Outer Bay. 
Shorebird and Raptor activity was slow this week. Northern Saw-whet Owl 
migration has been virtually non-existent. Passerine wise the week was 
relatively slow until a favourable fog waved over Long Point overnight on 
October 17 causing a substantial fall-out of temperate migrants. The fall was 
most significant at the Tip when about 4,000 kinglets of both species, hundreds 
of Creepers, Yellow-rumped and other warblers, Hermit Thrush, and near 
record-late Yellow-bellied Flycatcher were observed. A good mix of sparrows was 
also observed including a LeConte's Sparrow. 16 warbler species were observed 
at Long Po
 int this week.


Tundra Swans - There have been a smattering of individuals throughout the 
period with a high of 9 at Big Creek National Wildlife Area October 17 (SAM).

Redhead - A high of 12, 692 were observed at Old Cut on October 12 (LPBO).

Red-throated Loon - Two were observed at the Tip October 15 and 16 (DLL, MTW, 

Common Loon - There was a strong migration throughout the week with highs of 
92, 506 and 358 at the Tip October 14, 15 & 16, respectively (LPBO).

Pied-billed Grebe - One bird was observed at the Tip October 14 (ACC).

Horned Grebe - Highs of 48, 78 and 202 were observed at the Tip October 13,14 & 
15, respectively (LPBO).

Red-necked Grebe - One was observed on the Outer Bay October 17 (SAM).

Least Bittern - One was observed at Old Cut October 17 (NMR).

Great Egret - One was observed at Old Cut October 10 (LPBO).

Rough-legged Hawk - The first of the season was observed at Old Cut October 12 

Black-bellied Plovers - Five were observed near the Tip October 12 (JGK).

Bonaparte's Gull - A high of 450 were observed at the Tip October 14 (LPBO).

Little Gull - Four definitive basic birds flew over Old Cut on October 17 (SAM).

Great Black-back Gull - One first basic bird was banded at the Tip October 11 

Common Tern - A high of 430 were at the Tip October 14 (LPBO).

Forester's Tern - Four were observed at the Tip October 14 (JGK).

Yellow-billed Cuckoo - One was banded at the Tip October 17 (LPBO).

Red-bellied Woodpecker - Individual's were observed at Old Cut October 10 and 
17 (LPBO).

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - A near record-late first basic bird was banded at 
the Tip October 16 (LPBO).

Blue-headed Vireo - A high of 19 were estimated at the Tip October 17 (LPBO).

Tree Swallow - Small numbers were observed throughout the week with a high of 
28 on October  11 (SAM).

Brown Creeper - A high of 100 birds were estimated at the Tip October 17 (LPBO).

Golden-crowned Kinglet - A high of 2,000 birds were estimated at the Tip 
October 17 (LPBO).

Ruby-crowned Kinglet - A high of 1,800 birds were estimated at the Tip October 
17 (LPBO).

Swainson's Thrush - A late individual was observed at Old Cut October 16 (SAM).

Hermit Thrush - 51 individuals were banded and 100 estimated to be in the Old 
Cut woodlot October 12 (LPBO).

American Robin - Small movements have occurred throughout the week with a high 
of 216 at Old Cut October 13 (LPBO).

Northern Mockingbird - One was observed at Old Cut October 14 (LPBO).

American Pipit - Between 20 and 30 were observed at the Tip most days with 
smaller numbers observed at Old Cut (LPBO).

Rose-breasted Grosbeak - One was observed at Old Cut October 15 (LPBO).

Indigo Bunting - Two were observed at Old Cut October 12 (SAM).

Orange-crowned Warbler - Numerous were observed and banded throughout the week 
and 7 individuals banded [6 at Old Cut, 1 at the Tip] (LPBO).

Northern Parula - One was banded at the Tip October 17 (LPBO).

Ovenbird - One was observed at Old Cut October 13 & 14 (LPBO).

American Tree Sparrow - One was observed at the Tip October 13 (LPBO).

LeConte's Sparrow - One was observed at the Tip October 16 (SAM, EP).

Lapland Longspur - One definitive basic female was observed at the Tip October 
12 & 13 (LPBO).

Red-winged Blackbirds - The river of blackbirds began on October 15 with nearly 
10,000 flying over Old Cut at dusk (LPBO).

Rusty Blackbirds - Small numbers continued to be observed at Old Cut throughout 
the week (LPBO).

Purple Finch - Numerous birds have been observed throughout the week with a 
high of 11 at Old Cut October 12 (LPBO).

Pine Siskin - Numerous were observed throughout the week with a high of 118 at 
Old Cut on October 12 (LPBO).

Observers: Angela Caguazango (ACC), John Glazebrook (JGK), Pip Guillet (PRG), 
Dayna LeClair (DLL), Stuart Mackenzie (SAM), Long Point Bird Observatory 
(LPBO), Eleanor Page (EP), Nancy Raginski (NMR), Shawn Sullivan (SMS), Mick 
Wright (MTW).

Season to date banding totals:

Old Cut - 3431
Tip - 3,690
Breakwater - 1,331

Countdown to 1,000,000 = 947,548!

Explore the Long Point Birding 
Updates of the birds in the area can be viewed through 
eBird<http://www.ebird.ca> on LPBO's main 
web-page<http://www.birdscanada.org/lpbo>. You can help contribute to sightings 
in the Long Point area by submitting your sightings to 
eBbird<http://www.ebird.ca> or by sharing them with us at 
l...@birdscanada.org<mailto:l...@birdscanada.org>. The Old Cut Research Station 
is open to the public every day until November 15. For more information on the 
research, education, and training programs of LPBO select this 
link<http://www.birdscanada.org/lpbo> and check out the 2013 LPBO Program 
Report<http://www.bsc-eoc.org/library/LPBOreport.pdf> or LPBO 
E-news<http://www.birdscanada.org/download/LPBOenews.pdf>. Your best source for 
information about the birds and birding sites around Long Point can be found in 
A Birding Guide to the Long Point Area by Ron Ridout available 
Good birding,


Stuart A. Mackenzie
Motus Wildlife Tracking System Manager
LPBO Program Manager
Long Point Bird Observatory - Bird Studies Canada/Etudes d'Oiseaux Canada
PO Box 160, 115 Front Rd. Port Rowan, Ontario. N0E 1M0.
(519)-586-3531 X 162(office), Fax:586-3532, Mobile:820-6040

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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