>From Tim Mccarthy via Ontbirds
Today was yet another example of the North wind bringing lots of migrants. 
While the paving machinery groaned and clanked along beside us and the gorgeous 
fall leaves danced around us we had a super day. Nobody could sit down for long 
except me 'cause I can't write fast standing up.
Turkey Vultures  597
Bald Eagle                7
N.Harrier                  3
Sharpshin               16
Coopers                    2
N. Goshawk             2
Red Shoulder         30
Red Tail                 198
Roughleg                   1       first of many we hope
Golden Eagle             2      should be called "Ooooooh. Aaaaah" instead of 
Golden Eagle
Am Kestrel                 3
Merlin                         2
Un. Accip                    1      nobody's perfect
Un. Buteo                   1      at least we're honest
Un. Raptor                  1      and we hardly ever fight.
Grand Total            876
You didn't miss it all, tomorrow we will have pretty much the same weather. Now 
doesn't your throat feel a little raspy?
Whether walking or driving come in the Bloor St. entrance and go South to the 
fenced- in Grenadier Restaurant (still open, though its a pain to go around and 
in. Bring a thermos of something).
There should be parking along Colbourne Drive just East of the Hill.
 Dress warmly and we'll see you there.
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birding organization.
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