Hey Birders. So about 15 birders have been out since dawn looking for 
yesterday's Eurasian Dotterel. A few people have briefly seen the Hudsonian 
Godwit, though it has proven elusive to many of us.

Other shorebirds:

Dunlin, Black-bellied and American Golden-Plovers, Pectoral, White-rumped. 
Perhaps others. Flocks of up to 200 shorebirds have been seen flying past. 

Eastern Meadowlark, Lapland Longspur, Green-winged Teal and Pied-billed Grebe 
also present.

The search continues after I finish the all you can eat brunch in Sauble Beach.

Directions: Oliphant harbour is north of Sauble Beach on the lower west side of 
the Bruce Peninsula.


Andrew Keaveney (and Alex Stone)
Sent from my iPhone
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