Hi Birders,

This afternoon Kathryn Hoo and I briefly checked out the Grand Bend sewage 
lagoons. Close to 3,000 ducks, predominantly dabblers, were present.  ‎

In the last cell, we briefly saw a female wigeon, before it spooked, that 
looked very good for a female Eurasian. I lost the bird shortly after seeing it 
and unfortunately wasn't able to look much longer, though would expect it is 
still present. 
Other birds present include:
1 long-taild duck 
1,800 mallard
75 black 
350 green-winged teal

Directions: from the main intersection in Grand Bend, go east, past the Sobeys. 
Take the first road right (Mollard Line). Take this a few km. The lagoons will 
be on your right. 

Ken Burrell ‎

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

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