Happy World Wetlands Day!  

Bird Studies Canada is looking for pro-active naturalists to monitor birds 
and/or frogs throughout Ontario (and the Great Lakes states). Our 2016 goal is 
to fill survey gaps and ensure quality marsh monitoring continues. The Great 
Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program is a great opportunity to take your interest in 
nature (and birds) one step further and support wetland monitoring and 
conservation.  If you would like to know more visit 
www.birdscanada.org/volunteer/glmmp  or check out the activity map at 
https://goo.gl/hIeu1i.  Read on for more details: 
Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program participants are assigned routes in 
marshes to track the presence and abundance of marsh birds and amphibians.
Task: To survey birds and/or amphibians every season on pre-determined Great 
Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program survey routes.  
When: Amphibians are surveyed three times with the timing of surveys dependent 
on your latitude.  Surveys can take a few minutes or a couple of hours 
depending on the number of stations on that route.  Amphibian surveys are a 
great option for people beginning to participate in Citizen Science surveys. 
Bird surveys are conducted two to three times between mid-May and July 5th.  
Surveys may take as little as 20 minutes or up to 3 hours depending on the 
number of stations on that route.  The majority of bird routes require evening 
surveys. Bird surveys require additional skill as participants need to be able 
to identify at least 50 bird species commonly found in marshes (without 
referring to a field guide).
Where: Commonly volunteers are assigned to a single route near their home (or 
work) and can choose to survey amphibians, birds or both.  All volunteers are 
asked to ensure simple habitat descriptions are competed on their route 
annually.  Some routes are readily accessible, others are more remote and 
require hiking or boating/canoeing to a site.  All participants are asked to 
take a companion with them.  
More information: www.birdscanada.org/volunteer/glmmp or contact Kathy Jones at 
volunt...@birdscanada.org ; 888-448-2473 ext. 124. To learn more about each 
route visit https://goo.gl/hIeu1i   and click on the dots for additional 
information and route map links. Each registered participant will receive the 
necessary resources from Bird Studies Canada including training materials, 
protocols, route information and data forms.

This email has been posted with permission from the Ontbirds Coordinator

Kathy Jones
Ontario Programs Volunteer Coordinator 
(Canadian Lakes Loon Survey)
Bird Studies Canada
P.O. Box 160
Port Rowan, ON
N0E 1M0
Toll Free 1-888-448-2473 ext. 124

How many Birds will YOU find? Great Backyard Bird Count 

Bird Studies Canada's Top 6 ways to help birds: 
Ontario Field Ornithologists Code of Ethics: 
eBird on Guidelines for Sensitive Species: 
>From time to time, BSC may send you information regarding our programs, 
>special issues, membership, and other correspondence. If you would prefer not 
>to receive this information, please contact us by mail at the address above or 
>e-mail rkir...@bsc-eoc.org . Thank you.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

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