Good evening Ontbirders,

At 4:30pm, with my daughter Alexa in tow, we headed to south Mississauga and 
immediately upon setting up the scope we found the previously reported Western 
Grebe swimming and diving (for quite long dives) out towards the barge.  It 
stayed up long enough for me to get my daughter and then a couple of other 
birders on the bird.  When we first saw it, it was inside of the barge near the 
"bow" and after just 3 dives it was at least 300m in towards the harbour, out 
near the rock pier.

Good birding,
Frank & Alexa Pinilla

J.C. Saddington Park is at the foot of Mississauga Road in Port Credit.   Scope 
preferable but not absolutely necessary (first spotted it with bins).

Sent from my iPhone
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