Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Greg Zbitnew at or

May 12, 2016

The most interesting birds this week were 2 ROSS’S GEESE in Winchester on the
8th, a CERULEAN WARBLER (female) at Lac Philippe on the 11th, and this news just
in, 2 LITTLE GULLS at the Marais aux Grenouillettes on the 12th.

Weather was up and down during the week: good Friday-Saturday, poor
Sunday-Monday, and improving through to Thursday.  There were no fallouts, but
migration continued at a steady clip, with nearly 30 firsts of the year (FOY).
 Some species like WARBLING VIREO and YELLOW WARBLER have become abundant
virtually overnight, while there are just single sightings of some of the
others.  Unfortunately rainy and cool weather is forecast for the weekend. 

Waterbirds were not particularly exceptional.  Thousands of SNOW GEESE at both
Winchester and on Giroux were notable for the large number so late in the
season.  Small numbers of REDHEAD have been seen at different places in the
region.  Otherwise the waterbirds are mostly as expected.  Numbers of many of
the earlier DUCKS like SCAUP and RING-NECKED are declining for the season. 

BONAPARTE’S GULL at Parc Brébeuf on the 7th were the FOY but otherwise most of
the non-breeding GULLS have left the area.

SHOREBIRDS continue to arrive but the peak is several weeks away. In the limited
habitat available there may be 3-4 species present.  FOY were 5 SEMIPALMALTED
PLOVER near Cannamore on the 10th, LEAST SANDPIPER (Petrie Island on the 11th),
SOLITARY SANDPIPER at Richmond CA and Marais aux Grenouillettes on the 6th and
UPLAND SANDPIPER on the 7th on Panmure and on Franktown on the 8th. 

EASTERN WHIP-POOR-WILL on the 5th on Thomas Dolan Parkway and RUBY-THROATED
HUMMINGBIRD at Inkerman on the 6th were more or less on time for the season. 

The insect population, having now risen to the minor nuisance level, is
providing food for the rising insectivore population including the FOY GREAT
CRESTED FLYCATCHER (Pine Grove on the 6th), LEAST FLYCATCHER (Richmond on the
6th), ALDER FLYCATCHER (Almonte on the 7th) and EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE (Gatineau
Park on the 7th).  

The most anticipated of the spring arrivals, WARBLER numbers and variety have
risen dramatically.  At Maple Hill Park there were 13 species on the 10th, and
at least 14 species were in Britannia on the 11th.  New arrivals were
were at least three sightings of the rare-in-spring ORANGE-CROWNED, the one in
Britannia on the 12th being unusual in that it was seen by many and stayed just
east of the ridge for a good portion of the day.  To date, 21 of the 25 regular
warblers have been seen in the region.  

RED-EYED VIREO in Leslie Park on the 7th, MARSH WREN at Plaisance on the 7th,
SCARLET TANAGER on Spadina Ave. on the 9th , INDIGO BUNTING in Gatineau Park on
the 9th, BOBOLINK on the 5th in the Lac la Blanche area, and GRASSHOPPER SPARROW
at Burnt Lands PP on the 6th and behind the Airport on the 9th  rounded off the
remaining FOY.          

In other odds and ends, there was a TUFTED TITMOUSE in Plaisance on the 5th, 100
RUSTY BLACKBIRDS were seen near Richmond on the 11th, a large number so late in
the season, and among the FINCHES, an EVENING GROSBEAK was in Russell on the
7th, a late COMMON REDPOLL was in Britannia on the 11-12th, and a small number
of PINE SISKINS remain. 

The OFNC's Birds Committee no longer reports owl sightings on the Internet. We
will continue to encourage the reporting of owls to for the
purpose of maintaining local records. 

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations.

Good birding.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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