Hello Mark Cranford

This not a posting but more of a heads'-up and request for permission. You may 
have heard me going on about The Third Annual Hugh Currie Broadwing Blitz or 
some such. I have mapped out a line of observation sites from Casimir Park on 
the Lake Ontario Shore more or less straight North to Port Severn. My aim is to 
occupy as many of the spots on the Route as possible with observers recording 
all the pertinent facts about any Broadwingeds they see on the day of Sep.17 or 
18, or for that matter, any other day in September they may choose to watch. I 
have invited all to personally communicate their findings and would also like 
to suggest that they all report to Ontbirds. Although Ontbirds may not really 
the place for common and repeated sightings I was hoping you might consider a 
special window on just Broadwingeds as they have disappeared off the High Park 
Watch and most others along the North Shores of Lakes Ontario and Erie and we 
need to find where they are going. My invitation, consis
 ting of a few attachments as can be seen above, has gone out to every Nature 
Club in Southern Ontario.

And yes, of course you can come too.

I anxiously await the outcome of your wisdom and good judgement.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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