Hi folks,

Was out at the wetlands later yesterday afternoon and just finally getting the 
chance to post...

Right in the cell behind the parking area I had (finally) a RED-NECKED 
PHALAROPE actively feeding in amongst the other shorebirds.  Great little bird 
constantly on the move and the first I’ve had out there this season.

There were also 1 juvenile BAIRD’S SANDPIPER in the cell behind the plant with 
great patterning in the back and very buff.  I may have had a second Baird’s 
way back in the NE corner of this cell as well.

I also had a wonderful view of an AMERICAN BITTERN from about 50 feet away in 
the NW corner of the biggest cell at the back....right as you approach that 
cell. Make sure to approach quietly as it was right close along the edge down 
to the right. It stood stock still in the classic pose with its bill pointed 
upward looking right at me. Interestingly, While I was watching it in my scope 
a SORA darted out from within 3 feet of it and did a quick tour of the mud and 
then darted back into cover! That’s the first I’ve seen of the Sora in a couple 
of months.

Lots of other shorebirds including Lesser Yellowlegs (lots), Greater Yellowlegs 
(6), Semipalmated Sandpipers (5), Least Sandpipers (lots), Solitary Sandpipers 
(3), Pectoral Sandpipers (30+) spread around all 3 cells.

Water levels are still pretty good though the biggest cell is too deep for the 

Good birding!


Directions to West Perth Wetlands:

>From the East (Guelph, Kitchener-Waterloo, GTA) - take Hwy 8 thru

Stratford heading west to first lights in Mitchell (Wellington St) and
turn left (south) and continue till you hit the "T" intersection at the

ball diamond.  Lagoon cells are straight back behind the ball diamond

and soccer fields and the sewage treatment plant.  You can go straight ahead

on the gravel and park next to the berm.

>From the London area....take Hwy 23 into Mitchell from the south and

just after you pass the "Welcome to Mitchell" sign...watch for Frank

St...go right on Frank St and head down over the bridge till you get to

the ball diamond (will be on your right).  Again...the cells are behind

the ball diamond and soccer fields. You can go straight ahead

on the gravel and park next to the berm.

>From Southampton area....take Hwy 21, to Goderich and then Hwy 8 to

Clinton and down to Mitchell, turn south on Hwy 23 to Frank St. and turn

left on Frank St. and head over the bridge to the ball diamonds (which

will be on your right). You can go straight ahead on the gravel and park

next to the berm. 
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