Hi there, 

I'm writing to make a correction to my post a few days ago regarding a 
Gyrfalcon at Hillman Marsh in Leamington. A number of highly regarded and 
skilled northern birders agreed with our initial identification based on our 
photos and account of the sighting - but after some skepticism, we sent the 
photos to more birders for further scrutiny. After a thorough analysis it 
seemed a better fit for a massive immature tundrius (the expected migrant 
subspecies) Peregrine Falcon with rather heavier than average proportions and 

The three of us are all very experienced with migrant Peregrines, and just this 
fall I've watched many dozens of various size fly, hunt, and migrate for 
prolonged periods of time, never looking close to as large or strong as this 
individual. This seems to be without a doubt the largest, strongest, and most 
impressive Peregrine I've ever seen. The apparent size, strength, and flight 
style of this individual may have been exaggerated by the very strong wind 
hitting it. 

We apologize for any excitement and refinding efforts put forth by anyone who 
was interested in our sighting. This has been a great lesson about the 
potential extremes of Peregrine Falcons!

Good birding, 

Jeremy, Amanda, and Lev

> On Nov 13, 2016, at 1:18 PM, Jeremy Bensette <jeremy_bense...@hotmail.com> 
> wrote:
> We just saw an immature grey Gyrfalcon bomb on the ducks, gulls, and 
> shorebirds at the Shorebird Cell at Hillman Marsh Conservation Area!! It 
> headed east toward the lake. Hillman Marsh on Mersea Rd 2 about 6km east of 
> Leamington in Essex County. The shorebird cell is on the path south of the 
> main parking lot. Vehicle permit required. Wooo!!
> Oh and the Red-necked Phalarope is still in the east end of the shorebird 
> cell. 
> Good birding!
> Jeremy, Lev, Amanda, Paul, Darlene, Mel
> Jeremy Bensette - Leamington, ON
> Birding/wildlife tours, Photography, Naturalist Services

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