Despite the heavy snowfall the Lark Sparrow continues at the foot of the Don 
Valley Parkway.  Today it was harder to find as it spent most of its time 
concealed behind a large snow drift.  It was foraging in the dried weeds near 
the yellow and red fire hydrant that is blocked off by rusted yellow pipes in 
the southeast corner of the First Gulf / old Lever 2000 lands.

>From the southbound Don Valley Parkway, exit (left) to the Lakeshore and 
>continue past the traffic light one block to park on Villiers.  Walk back to 
>the Lakeshore, crossing to the north side and just beyond to the trail on the 
>north side of the railway tracks.  Walk east about 200m while praying and 
>making sacrifice to the capricious powers that govern twitching.

Good luck.
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