Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

March 30, 2017

For the fourth week in a row, there were no real highlights.  There have
been a surprising number of First-Of-The-Year (FOY) arrivals, but in
general the signs of spring have been rather subdued.

Winter slapped Ottawa around early in the week, with a surprise heavy
snowfall on the 24th, and freezing rain on the 26th.    Temperatures
struggled to reach seasonal level, and unfortunately things will get worse
before they get better.

2 REDHEAD in Carleton Place on the 29th were at least a new arrival for the
year.  They were there along with the TRUMPETER SWANS.  90 SNOW GEESE were
in Richmond this week, likely scouts for the army in the southeast.  Anyone
who still needs HARLEQUIN DUCK and BARROW’S GOLDENEYE can still find them
near the Rideau Tennis Club, but they likely will not be around much
longer.  A BARROW'S GOLDENEYE was in Carleton Place this way, not their
usual spot. GREATER and LESSER SCAUP were at Deschenes on the 28th.

A few species have become a little more widespread, but are far from
common. Among them are:




4.       EASTERN BLUEBIRD, and


The following were FOY:

1.       AMERICAN WOODCOCK on Rifle Road on the 29th.

2.       KILLDEER in Bell’s Corners and Cambrian Road on the 29th.

3.       EASTERN PHOEBE in Constance Bay on the 29th, and

4.       SANDHILL CRANE in Dunrobin on the 28th.

Finally, a HERMIT THRUSH  in Parc des Portageurs in Gatineau on the 26th.
It is hard to know if it overwintered or is an early migrant.  A LAPLAND
LONGSPUR was in the Eagleson/ Akins area on the 26th.

The OFNC's Birds Committee no longer reports owl sightings on the Internet.
We will continue to encourage the reporting of owls to
for the purpose of maintaining local records.

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

Good birding.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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