2017 Guelph Christmas Bird Count - preliminary (and unofficial) results

Guelph's 51th Christmas Bird Count took place on Sunday, December 17th, 2017.  
A total of about 60 participants, working in 13 groups found a total of 12646 
birds of 63 species. The 63 species is just below the recent average of 64, 
with the highest being 70 species in 2008.  Standing water was frozen, but 
fast-moving water was open.  Temperatures varied from -10 Celcius to -6 
Celcius, with moderate winds. There was about 10cm of snow on the ground.
Numbers were generally low. We had one new species for count day: 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (though previously reported in count week), and 
Townsend's Solitaire was reported during count week for the first time, but not 
on count day :(.

We had record numbers of 2 species, as follows:
Bald Eagle                                            9 (previous high 7, in 
Raven                                                39 (previous high 17) - 
some double-counting likely involved

And we tied the record number for the following species:
Merlin                                                   3 (tied with 2014)
Eastern Towhee                               1 (tied with 2008, 2016)
Turkey Vulture                                  1 (tied with 2006)
Red-shouldered Hawk                   1 (tied with 6 previous years)
Chipping Sparrow                            1 (tied with 3 previous years)
Peregrine Falcon                              1 (tied with 2015) - awaiting 
details on possible second

For low numbers, we had:
American Tree Sparrow                197 (10 year average 274) continuing 
long-term decline
American Kestrel                             3 (fairly typical of last decade, 
but well down on long-term average)
Ruffed Grouse                                  3 (fairly typical of last 
decade, but well down on long-term average)

Other unusual records included:
Snowy Owl -1, Red-winged Blackbird -1, Brown-headed Cowbird -4.

Winter finches were almost non-existent, except for an influx of Pine Siskins 
(212) and 2 Purple Finch.

Thanks to all participants, especially the 13 group leaders, to Dave and 
Margaret Hull for hosting the tally rally, and Wild Birds Unlimited Nature 
Guelph for their continuing support.

Happy Holidays!


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Mike Cadman
Songbird Biologist
Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment Canada
867 Lakeshore Road
Burlington, ON, L7S 1A1
Telephone: 905-336-6295
Fax: 905-336-6434
Government of Canada
Mike Cadman
Biologiste aux oiseaux chanteurs
Service canadien de la faune
Environnement Canada
867 chemin Lakeshore
Burlington, ON, L7S 1A1
Téléphone: 905-336-6295
Télécopieur: 905-336-6434
Gouvernement du Canada

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