Hello Everyone,
The 32nd Wallaceburg CBC took place yesterday, December 27th.  MAN, was it
cold!  (insert "How cold was it?" joke here).  The day started out at -22
degrees Celsius and "warmed up" to a balmy -11.  At least the winds were
relatively light and there were beautiful sunny skies all day to reflect
off of the recently fallen snow (up to 30 cm in some spots).  There were
quite a few birds to be found, especially waterfowl and gulls.

Here's a brief summary:
Nineteen participants and 4 feeder watchers found 86 species on the count
day, which is well above the average of just under 80 over the last 10
years, and only 3 short of our highest of 89 species in 2005.

A new specie to our CBC this year was GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE - 2 were
found in the area 5 days earlier and they were seen late on this day.  An
immature GOLDEN EAGLE was also seen, upgrading it from a count week only
species in the past.  This brings our cumulative total for the 32 years to
141 species.

We found high counts for the following 5 species this year:
WOOD DUCK 3 ( previous high of 2 in 1997)
WILD TURKEY 155  (previous high of 127)
PIED-BILLED GREBE 36 (previous high of 22 in 1998)
PILEATED WOODPECKER 3 (previous high of 2)
LAPLAND LONGSPUR 23 (18 in 2004)

and we tied four others:
GREEN-WINGED TEAL (1 - only the 5th record)

So far, we have tallied 3 species that were seen during Count Week only (3
days prior and 3 days after but not seen on count day):
more waterfowl or other species seen in the coming 3 days.

We had very few notable misses this year, thanks to the hard work of those
searching.  Those that stood out were:
GREAT BLUE HERON (only the 3rd time missed ever)
WINTER WREN (only the 4th miss since 2003)

Finally, a few thank you's are in order.  Thanks to Cindy Cartwright who
came to participate in our count for the first time.  She traveled south
almost 4 hours through snow squalls and closed roads and seemed to enjoy
her day.  Thanks to Wendy and Becky Cornelis for once again providing a
fantastic hot meal after our long count day.  Finally, a big thanks to
Georgette Cornelis for again providing her house for the meal and
compilation and also for being such a welcoming host.

Steve Charbonneau
Compiler for the Wallaceburg CBC
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