Sent from my iPhone.       The Brantford CBC took place on Saturday December 30 
2017.  14 field observers and 10 feeder watchers braved fridgid temperatures to 
reach a successful count of 61 species , and a total of 5, 781 individual 
birds.  The morning started out with a low temperature of -11 and reached a 
chilly high of -8.  The winds held off most of the day and the sun was shining 
for most of the count day.  Aside from an afternoon heavy snowfall for about a 
half hour , this group of birders could not have asked for better winter 
conditions for a count.    The grand river was mostly frozen over , with small 
stretches of open water   Highlights include :  15 turkey vultures , 5 common 
ravens , 1 peregrine falcon ,9 bald eagles , 7 iceland gulls , 1 lesser black 
backed gull , 11 glaucous gulls , 10 carolina wrens , 70 eastern bluebirds , 3 
rusty blackbirds , 5 fox sparrows and 2 white crowned sparrows , among other 
great finds. Special thanks goes out to Shelia Smith for hosting the lunch 
break and Betty Chanyi for providing her amazing homemade soup.   Also , a big 
thanks to all the volunteers who made this count so successful.   Our best to 
date.     The complete list of species and numbers is : 
Bald Eagle 9
Red Tailed Hawk 34 
Rough Legged hawk 3 
Sharp shinned hawk 2
Peregrine falcon 1 
American kestrel 2
Turkey vulture 15 
Great horned owl 2 
Eastern screech owl 1
Common raven 5 
American crow 225
Wild turkey 135
Belted kingfisher 2
Mourning dove 212 
Rock dove 178 
Canada goose 840 
Mallard duck 314 
Black duck 11
Common goldeneye 36
Common merganser 25
Bufflehead 2
Hooded merganser 1
Glaucous gull 11
Great black backed gull 10
Herring gull 889
Ring billed gull 50 
Iceland gull 7 
Lesser black backed gull 1
Downy woodpecker 56 
Hairy woodpecker 6 
Red bellied woodpecker 15 
Northern flicker 2
White breasted nuthatch 26 
Red breasted nuthatch 10 
Brown creeper 5
Golden crowned kinglet 7
Carolina wren 10 
Black capped chickadee 107
Dark eyed junco 369 
Cedar waxwing 3
Tufted titmouse 1
Eastern bluebird 70
American robin 2
House finch 85
American goldfinch 167
Northern cardinal 105
Bluejay 93 
American tree sparrow 91 
Song sparrow 31 
Swamp sparrow 1
Fox sparrow 5
White throated sparrow 40
White crowned sparrow 2 
House sparrow 357 
Lapland longspur 3
Horned lark 28
Pine siskin 5
European starling 1040
Brown headed cowbird 12
Rusty blackbird 3
Red winged blackbird 1

Brantford CBC compiler
Kevin Murphy
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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