At around 5:25pm this evening while I was letting my dog out into my backyard 
in central Etobicoke, I clearly heard a Fish Crow give its distinctive 
single-note call several times. It was with 8-9 American Crows, which were also 
calling periodically. 

Unfortunately I wasn’t fast enough to record it on my phone before the birds 
continued off.

While Fish Crows have evidently been increasing in Ontario over the past 
several years, a greenbelt/creek valley located several kilometres away from 
Lake Ontario is most certainly not where I would have expected to encounter one.

Although this species has been periodically present in Niagara, Hamilton and 
Oakville in recent years, encounters east of Mississauga are still relatively 
unusual, so I felt it merited a post.

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone
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