Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

May 17, 2018

There were two highlights. A YELLOW-THROATED VIREO was on Twin Elm on the 15
th, and another was at the arboretum on the 17th.  A CERULEAN WARBLER was
in Carleton Place on the 13th.  However, neither of these birds were

Another week of mostly above-seasonal temperatures brought a steady stream
of migrants into the area, but like last week there was an excellent
variety of migrants but no big fallouts. 11 new species arrived in the
region, much lower than last week because 85-90% of the species have
already been seen this year. There may yet be a big push of SONGBIRDS in
the next week.

Among the DUCKS, 21 species were seen in the region this week. Notable were
2 WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS at Shirley’s Bay as late as the 15th, 2 REDHEAD at
the Richmond Conservation Area, and a LONG-TAILED DUCK at Giroux on the 16th.
2 ROSS’S GEESE were also on Giroux Road with 10,000 SNOW GEESE on the 15th.

An interesting development on the SHOREBIRD front is that there is good
habitat in Embrun, with 1500+ birds of 10 species seen there on the 17th.  The
vast majority of these are LEAST SANDPIPER, but new was WHITE-RUMPED
SANDPIPER.  2 WILSON’S PHALAROPES were in Russell on the 15th.

Despite seemingly unfavourable winds, Britannia had 19 species of WARBLER
on the 11th, and it was still good on the 12th. Larose Forest has 14
species on the 13th, but all of them were nesting species.  On the 17th, 19
species of WARBLER were found on a morning trip in Britannia and points
nearby.  The WARBLERS are a different mix now with a lot more of the later
ones.  A GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER was reported in New Edinburgh on the 12th,
and there have been a number of sightings of both WILSON’S and BLACKPOLL
WARBLER, which leaves only one regular WARBLER yet to be seen.

Other new sightings for the year are:

·         BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO in Watt’s Creek on the 12th.

·         GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH in Britannia on the 17th.

·         COMMON NIGHTHAWK in Britannia on the 11th

·         PHILADELPHIA VIREO in Trillium Woods on the 11th

·         EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE at Innis Point on the 12th.

·         YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER in Lapêche on the 12th.

Some other interesting sightings:

·         A GOLDEN EAGLE was at Innis Point on the 11th.

·         A RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER was at Fitzroy Provincial Park on the 13
th, and one was in Deschênes on the same day.

·         LEAST BITTERN was heard again on the Jock River near Carleton
Place on the 11th.

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

*Reminder regarding access to the Shirley’s Bay Causeway:*

DND has amended our access procedure. You must call Range Control
(613-991-5740) for permission, state that you are an OFNC member and give
your name. Finally, you must call again when you have left the area.  DND
would also like to be informed if you see anyone on the property who should
not be there, such as boats in the bay or people fishing on the causeway.
They are trespassing and DND will deal with the situation.

The OFNC has provided DND with a list of OFNC members who HAVE SPECIFICALLY
REQUESTED access. DND will check, so make sure that your membership is up
to date and that you have requested that the OFNC put you on the access
list.  This list has already been sent to DND this spring and will be
updated occasionally.  To get on the next access list, please contact

Good birding.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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