Snow Goose
Cackling Goose
King Eider
Red-throated Loon
Horned Grebe
Sandhill Crane
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Snowy Owl
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Tufted Titmouse
Brown Creeper
Winter Wren
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Northern Shrike
Hermit Thrush
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Field Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Red-winged Blackbird
Purple Finch
Common Redpoll
Pine Siskins
Evening Grosbeak

It's been another good week and a half here in the HSA, the list might not
be long but it's packed with some decent birds, particularly for winter
listers.  Let's stop at the top of the list.  The number of species of
warbler that have occurred in November has been unprecedented.   Eighteen
species of warbler have been recorded here in the Hamilton Study Area.  A
few of these stragglers might make it to the winter listing period and more
may turn up as people get out and scour around their local patch.  

Two OVENBIRDS have been reported at feeders this week one in Oakville and
one in Port Credit, I doubt that these would be the same bird moving around.

Sedgewick Park is the host to the long staying HOODED WARBLER and a
was seen yesterday.  Three RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS were seen today to add to
the winter list as well. A COUPLE OF NOTES:  Rhere was a large coyote
present today in the area where the warbler was lurking about.  It did not
flinch when it saw me so I left the area.  WINTER LISTERS:  Please keep in
mind that there is a service tomorrow at the Jehovah Witness so please keep
out of that parking lot to give worshippers room to park.  Please access the
park off of Hixon or park at Coronation Park and walk over through the
parking lot of the Jehovah Witness. They have been putting the chain across
so that parking is not allowed during non worship times.  It's easy to get
in off the end of Hixon.  Other birds seen at Sedgewick include Brown
Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Winter Wren, Hermit Thrush, Yellow-rumped
Warbler and White-throated Sparrow.

At South Shell Park in Oakville, ORANGE-CROWNED, PALM and Yellow-rumped
Warbler were seen through the fence that leads out to the Suncor Pier last
weekend.  Likely these birds are still around.  A couple of Ruby-crowned
Kinglets were also present.

An AMERICAN REDSTART was a good bird found at Wilkes Dam this week.

Another good find was a NORTHERN PARULA at Edgelake Park in Stoney Creek.

A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER was reported last weekend from Riverside Park in
Cambridge, this bird could still be around.  It was hanging with a group of
kinglets and chickadees.

An EASTERN PHOEBE was found on the Spencer Creek trail near the Canadian
Tire in Dundas.  

The Dundas IBA occurred last weekend.  Some highlights included a group
approx 15 Snow Geese were seen over the Dundas Valley, a lone Cackling Goose
was seen in Caroll's Bay, a Lesser Black-backed Gull was observed in Coote's
Paradise, a Tufted Titmouse was seen in the Dundas Valley.  Field Sparrow
and Red-winged Blackbird are other notables.  A separate report from the
Dundas Valley this week included Evening Grosbeaks at a private feeder and
two Northern Shrikes at Merrick Orchard and Powerline entrance.  There are
still a few Pine Siskins around and a single Purple Finch.

In the odds and sods this week, a first year male King Eider was seen at
LaSalle Marina today.  A Red-throated Loon was seen near Green Road today. A
Horned Grebe was seen off Millen Road this week and 6 off LaSalle Marina
today.  Merlins have been seen over Bronte and Stoney Creek likely on winter
territory.  A flock of 25 Sandhill Cranes were seen over 8th Concession West
and Westover in Flamborough.  Snowy Owls were reported from Bronte Harbour
and from the breakwall at Canada Centre for Inland Waters.  A Yellow-bellied
Sapsucker was seen at Bronte Bluffs.  A flock of 25 Common Redpolls have
been seen on Fallsview Road today and earlier in the week.  Evening
Grosbeaks have been reported in Flamborough, south of Ancaster and in the
Dundas Valley over the past week.

Winter listing is upon us.  Please report any unusual sightings you have and
get out to your local woodlots to scour around.

Cheryl Edgecombe

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