Brantfords Christmas bird count was held on Sunday December the 30th , with 24 
count participants and 6 feeder watchers contributing to count totals for the 
day   9,548 individual birds of 60 species were noted , as well as 1 additional 
count week species , bringing our total to 61 , tying last years count number   
 Of the 9,548 , 293 were from feeder watchers who combined had 11 hours    The 
24 feild observers spent a combined 59 hours in the field , 66.1 km walking and 
244.6 in driving        Temperatures remained fairly consistent throughout the 
day , ranging from -5 in the morning to a high of 0 degrees.   Winds were nil 
to light throughout the day and the sky was cloudy with bouts of sun breaking 
through   A light snow fell through the night , increasing the ability to spot 
our feathered freinds   As well , most rivers and water bodies were icefree and 
unfrozen.     A special thanks goes out to Shelia Smith for hosting a small 
luncheon , to all the new participants who attended the count , and as per 
usual , Bill and Sarah Lamond for their great count day observations , whom 
always make the list grow substantially.                             Highlights 
from the count are as follows : 
3 Tufted Titmouse.       2 Common Ravens.   19 Carolina Wrens.     4 Turkey 
Vultures.    2 Iceland Gulls.    1 Lesser Black Backed Gull. 
3 Ruby Crowned Kinglets.    30 Red Bellied Woodpeckers.   And 2 count week 
White Crowned Sparrows.          
Notable misses were Snow Bunting , Northern Harrier , Mute Swan and Northern 

Full species list is as follows 

Bald Eagle 16 
Red tailed hawk 55 
Coopers hawk 9
Sharp shinned hawk 3
American kestrel 8
Merlin 1
Turkey vulture 4
Great horned owl 3
Eastern screech owl 2 
Common raven 2
Common crow 116
Belted kingfisher 7
Great blue heron 6 
Wild turkey 92 
Hooded merganser 3
Common merganser 51 
Bufflehead 4
Common goldeneye 108
Mallard duck 486 
Black duck 54
Canada geese 1342
Herring gull 880
Ring billled gull 279 
Iceland gull 2
Lesser black backed gull 1
Great black backed gull 80
Glaucous gull 4
Rock dove 512 
Mourning dove 358 
Red bellied woodpecker 30
Downy woodpecker 78
Hairy woodpecker 5
White b nuthatch 78
Red b nuthatch 9
Black capped chickadee 346
Brown creeper 10
Ruby cr kinglet 3
Golden cr kinglet 21
Tufted titmouse 3
Dark eyed junco 266
American robin 11
Eastern bluebird 34
Horned lark 9
Bluejay 148
N cardinal 192
House finch 135
Am goldfinch 260
Pine siskin 3
Carolina wren 19
Eastern towhee 2
Winter wren 2
European starling 3020
Brn hd cowbird 5
Northern shrike 1
House sparrow 274
Swamp sparrow 1
Song sparrow24
White th sparrow 36
White cr sparrow 2
Fox sparrow 1
Am tree sparrow 74
Compiler : Kevin Murphy

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provincial birding organization.
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