The 3rd Dunnville (ONDU) CBC was held on Sunday December 30th 2018. The new 
Dunnville CBC circle was shifted and restarted in 2016 (it ran previously from 
1998-2000). The information included below is based on the new circle only. The 
circle has a wide diversity of habitats including the Grand River, extensive 
marshes, and Rock Point Provincial Park.

It was a very successful count with a total of 17 observers who found 12416 
individuals (avg = 11573), of 83 species (previous highs were 72 & 77). There 
were several expected additions to this newer count, as well as a few 
surprises, bringing our 3-year running species tally to 95.


White-winged Scoter= 1

Hooded Merganser = 1


Glaucous Gull = 1

Great-horned Owl = 5

Common Raven = 4

Hermit Thrush= 2

Chipping Sparrow = 4

Field Sparrow = 2

Purple Finch = 2

Common Redpoll = 4

Pine Siskin= 12



39 NEW HIGH COUNTS (previous high):

American Black Duck = 63 (41)

Canvasback = 39 (15)

Lesser Scaup = 25 (3)

Horned Grebe = 7 (1)

Great Blue Heron = 9 (7)

TURKEY VULTURE = 190 (32) - Observed streaming out from nearby chicken farms in 
the NE corner of the circle.

Northern Harrier = 29 (16)

Cooper's Hawk = 9 (8)

Red-tailed Hawk = 79 (70)

Great Black-backed Gull = 12 (11)

Rock Pigeon = 440 (253)

Mourning Dove = 622 (390)

Eastern Screech-Owl = 12 (5)

Short-eared Owl = 4 (3)

Red-bellied Woodpecker = 45 (31)

Downy Woodpecker = 90 (77)

Hairy Woodpecker = 27 (20)

Northern Flicker = 16 (8)

American Kestrel = 19 (9)

Northern Shrike = 2 (1)

Blue Jay = 164 (145)

White-breasted Nuthatch = 67 (54)

Brown Creeper = 12 (10)

Carolina Wren = 12 (3)

Winter Wren = 4 (2)

Golden-crowned Kinglet = 52 (32)


Eastern Bluebird = 73 (30)

European Starling = 2836 (1601)

White-throated Sparrow = 14 (6)

Song Sparrow = 24 (17)

Swamp Sparrow = 22 (2)

Northern Cardinal = 151 (149)

Red-winged Blackbird = 187 (94)

Common Grackle = 95 (1)

Brown-headed Cowbird = 1073 (430)

House Finch = 66 (53)

American Goldfinch = 207 (120)

House Sparrow = 501 (494)

6 NEW LOW COUNTS (previous low):

Bufflehead = 113 (225)

Red-breasted Merganser = 112 (127)

Wild Turkey = 86 (93)

Bald Eagle = 7 (8)

Black-capped Chickadee = 245 (260)

American Tree Sparrow = 166 (289)

The rest of the list:

Canada Goose = 1711

Gadwall = 122

Mallard = 447

Northern Pintail = 1

Redhead = 19

Greater Scaup = 885

Common Goldeneye = 115

Long-tailed Duck = 2

Common Merganser = 193

Rough-legged Hawk = 6

Sandhill Crane = 27

Bonaparte's Gull = 30

Ring-billed Gull = 222

Herring Gull = 90

Snowy Owl = 1

Belted Kingfisher = 1

Merlin = 1

Peregrine Falcon = 1

American Crow = 49

Eastern Tufted Titmouse = 6

Red-breasted Nuthatch = 8

American Robin = 4

Cedar Waxwing = 1

Slate-colored Junco = 402​

Some of the more notable misses (previous low):

Sharp-shinned Hawk (2)

Pileated Woodpecker (1)

Horned Lark (110)

Snow Bunting (1254)

White-crowned Sparrow (4)

Good birding,

Matt Timpf & Janice Chard


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