Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club

Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

January 31, 2019

*NOTE: Sightings of GYRFALCON will no longer be mentioned in the weekly
reports. This is to be consistent with eBird policy on this species due to
its sensitivity and vulnerability.  *

A sensational, although late, discovery was of a LAZULI BUNTING that had
been coming to a private feeder in the Iris/ Pinecrest area. This appears
to be the first Canadian winter record, and the second Ottawa record of
this species, and is one of the rare instances where southern Ontario
birders are forced to come north. It had been seen by the homeowner most
recently on about the 21st.  It was subsequently seen by hordes of birders,
on and near the feeder, unfortunately for mostly very brief intervals, on
the 29-30th.  It was not seen on the 31st, despite intense efforts.  The
feeders can only be seen from NCC land, and please respect the privacy of
the homeowners in your visits to the area as this land backs onto a
residential area.

Yet another week with the coldest day of the year (although not exceptional
by Ottawa standards) and more snow made birding challenging this week, but
it was probably not much worse for most of the birds. Open waters areas
continue to shrink, especially near Hurdman.

Mostly the usual lingering DUCKS were present this week:

1.      HOODED MERGANSER and 2 WOOD DUCKS at Billings Bridge.

2.      GADWALL and AMERICAN WIGEON at Britannia.

3.      GADWALL and NORTHERN PINTAIL on Pinecrest creek south of Iris.

4.      LESSER SCAUP at Carleton Place on the 30th.

5.      The first recent sighting of LONG-TAILED DUCK was off Britannia
Point on the 31st.

A surprise addition to the winter avifauna was a WILSON’S SNIPE in the
Plateau region of Gatineau on the 27th.

2 GOLDEN EAGLES were near Almonte on the 26th, and an AMERICAN KESTREL was
in Bridlewood on the 25th.

Mostly the other birds of interest have been previously reported lingering

1.      The RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER is still on Hilda Road as of the 30th. .

2.      The GREAT BLUE HERON is still on Maritime way as of the 28th.

3.      The ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK is continuing on Dolman Ridge Road as of
the 30th.

Not reported previously or not recently were:

1.      A YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER in Russell on the 29th.

2.      A RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD in Kanata on the 27th.

3.      A BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD in the Munster area on the 27th.

WINTER FINCHES continue to be somewhat sparse. A flock of 50-75 COMMON
REDPOLLS were in Kanata this week. HOARY REDPOLL was last seen on the 28th
in Constance Bay. 2 LAPLAND LONGSPURS were on LOCKHEAD ROAD along with 200

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

Good birding.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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