This past Saturday, April 6 2019, twelve birders from across southwestern 
Ontario joined me for a very successful full-day outing in the Point Pelee 
area! We totalled 70 bird species between 7:30 am and about 5 pm in very 
comfortable sunny weather. Such nice weather that I now have a sun burn! I 
appreciate the great turnout, especially to those who came from a few hours 
away for the outing. Below is a summary of the day.

We started at 7:30 am at Mersea Park at the intersection of Point Pelee Drive 
and Mersea Rd C where we spotted a small assortment of diving ducks and Horned 
Grebes on Lake Erie. eBird checklist link for Mersea Park and Point Pelee Drive:

We then ventured into Point Pelee National Park, stopping at a couple patches 
of savannah habitat in the park to enjoy a few Eastern Bluebirds, singing Field 
Sparrows and Carolina Wrens, and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. At The Tip we 
studied thousands of diving ducks including great views of Surf and 
White-winged Scoters. From there we stopped briefly at the DeLaurier Homestead 
parking area and then walked the Boardwalk that had been partially rebuilt this 
spring. eBird checklist link for Point Pelee National Park:

After lunch we made our way to Hillman Marsh Conservation Area where we built 
up quite the list of dabbling ducks as well as Pectoral Sandpipers, Dunlin, and 
a Forster’s Tern. eBird checklist link for Hillman Marsh:

If anyone who came along would like a copy of the group photo from the 
beginning of the day please contact me privately. Again, thanks so much to 
everyone who came out. You all added to a great day, and I look forward to 
crossing paths with you again this spring!

Jeremy Bensette

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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