
I received this announcement today from Lindsay Rodger, Acting
Superintendent of Point Pelee National Park. Thought this would be of
interest to birders near Point Pelee.

Please remember that tf you choose to go birding, please follow federal,
provincial and municipal guidelines regarding COVID-19 as restrictions on
non-essential travel, physical distancing and party size are still in
effect and subject to change.

Message start:

I’m pleased to let you know that beginning June 13, Point Pelee National
Park will be open on weekends. The park will offer limited visitor access
and basic services on Saturdays and Sundays, 10:00 am to sunset.

The construction and paving of the main park road is underway. During this
phase of the road renewal project, as a way to prevent public safety
concerns, Point Pelee National Park will remain closed to all visitor
access until June 13, and will be closed Monday to Friday through June. We
thank visitors for their patience and understanding as Parks Canada works
to enhance infrastructure and improve the overall visitor experience.

For detailed and up-to-date information regarding what facilities will be
open, and which remain closed, I invite you to consult the Point Pelee
National Park website (
https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/on/pelee/visit/covid-19-info), or Facebook (

We have missed our visitors, and look forward to welcoming them back
starting June 13.


Lindsay Rodger

Acting Superintendent, Point Pelee National Park

Parks Canada / Government of Canada

407 Monarch Lane, RR#1, Leamington, ON N8H 3V4

lindsay.rod...@canada.ca / Tel: 519-322-2365 ext. 2217

Directrice par interim, Parc national de la Pointe-Pelée

Parcs Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

407 rue Monarch, RR#1, Leamington, ON N8H 3V4

lindsay.rod...@canada.ca / Tél :519-322-2365 ext. 2217

*Parcs Canada - 450 000 km2 de souvenirs / Parks Canada - 450 000 km2 of

Lynne Freeman

"Be bold, be brave, be amazing...." Simon de Pury, Work of Art
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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