Hi birders,

An adult Eurasian Tree Sparrow has been seen on and off at a feeder during
the past few days near Bourget (Prescott-Russell). The homeowner is ok with
birders coming to see the bird.
Everyone is asked to park on one side only of Bouvier Rd. Walk to the house
and follow the tracks in snow that head to the right of the house.  Do not
go any further than where the tracks stop. From this point look in the
backyard towards the left. The sparrow is often seen feeding on the ground
or resting in the trees. It cannot be seen from Bouvier Road. It is quite
sporadic from sunrise to sunset. It is rarely seen for more than a few
minutes.  At times it may be 2 hours or more before it is seen again.
Please do not linger once you have seen the bird or you have photographed
it; please leave the area immediately. You are asked to visit at reasonable

The rare Sparrow is being seen at :
3267 Bouvier Road

Good luck,


Jacques Bouvier,  Hawkesbury ON

Mes galeries de photos d'oiseaux (Oiseaux EEO Birds):


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