Hello list,

tl;dr: client side coinjoin amount organization is bloody difficult. Our current approach: pick random number of inputs based on wallet utxo count; pick that group of inputs which result in the lowest anonscore consolidation penalty; generate deterministic frequency table as Schelling point; brute force decompose input sum into likely denominations and pick randomly one of the good ones.

In previous coinjoin implementations, round parameters like the equal denomination are dictated by the coordinator. This is in part because of the design constraints of the Chaumian blind signature coordination protocol. Given knowledge of the input sum of a user, an adversary can find out which denominations the user received, even though it is more difficult to find out exactly which equal amount output coin was received. Furthermore, this leads to a worse usability as well as more blockspace consumption. However, the coordinator can enforce for example, that every user ends up in the same denomination, and thus a very large anonymity set is achieved.

This can be improved by using a coinjoin coordination protocol like WabiSabi with less constraints, specifically no input-input linkage, and arbitrary input/output amount registration. Now the coordinator does not dictates round parameters like minimum equal amount denomination nor the decomposition algorithm used. The idea is to make more decisions client side, without substantially sacrificing the privacy guarantees and anonymity set size of outputs.

This turns out to be a quite difficult problem. I will try my best to explain the approach that is currently implemented in Wasabi Wallet's third release candidate. The code is linked below, sorry in advance for any discrepancy or confusion in my explanation. Even though the results seem to be alright, this is probably not the optimal approach, so I kindly ask you grey-bearded Bitcoin wizards to review, break and improve it.

## Input Selection

First, the client finds out how many coins to select in this round. This is a random choice between the numbers 1 and 10. However, if the wallet currently has less than 35 utxos, there is a preference of choosing 1. If the wallet has more than 125 utxos, there is a preference of choosing 10. With a gradient in between. This is to control the utxo count of the wallet. Noticeably this does not take into account the sats amount in the utxo set, so a user with 0.1 btc will behave the same as one with 1000 btc. Maybe the target utxo count should be adjusted based on value.

Next, the question of which coins to register: Ideally, those coins which result in the least anonscore loss possible. Shuffle all suitable utxos [i.e. confirmed, below max anonscore target etc], and sort them ascending by anonscore, then descending by amount. Now create groups with the size of the previously established input count X. The first coin until the X coin of the sorted list are the first group, then shift one down, so the second group is the second coin until the X+1 coin. Do these "rolling groups" all the way to the bottom of the list. This way, coins which have a anonscore close to each other are selected.

Remove those groups which have many coins coming from the same transaction.

For each group, calculate the anonscore cost of input consolidation weighted by amount. If the selected coins have anonscore 3, 5 and 10, then the group has a anonscore of 3. The input with 10 anonscore thus has a 7 anonscore cost. Now weight this to the input value of the relevant coin in the group, so that a loss of anonscore in a high value coin is more costly than if it were a low value coin.

Pick that input group with the lowest weighted anonscore cost.

There is randomness in the number of inputs chosen, but the selection of the best coin group is deterministic. Maybe there can be some randomness in the final group selection, without suffering from too much anonscore consolidation penalty.

One additional idea [which is not yet implemented] is that the coordinator suggests [not dictates] a maximum input value, which changes across different rounds. Large value inputs are not considered suitable, if the maximum suggested input value of the current round is smaller.

It is important to note that currently users choose their inputs without knowing the inputs that other users have already registered. It should be possible to design the protocol in a way to share the inputs that were already registered, even if input registration is not yet complete. There are however some privacy concerns, like timing attacks, or de-registration of an input after it was announced to other users.

## Output Selection

The coordinator collects all input registrations, and forwards them to all users. At this point, all clients knows all inputs of this transaction. The goal now is to get a Schelling point among users of which output denominations to choose, so that the anonset size of each denomination is sufficiently large.

First of all, it's a good idea to limit the denominations that the client will register. Some simulations confirmed that low Hemming weight numbers are efficient, thus clients generate a list of standard denominations which are: powers of two; powers of three; two times powers of three; powers of ten; two times powers of ten; and five times powers of ten. However, remove some of those denominations which are very close to each other, more so for larger values. Notice that this list of standard denominations is the same across all rounds, it does not depend on specific inputs.

We can further decrease the list of potential denominations that the client chooses, but specifically for every round. This is a further Schelling point of which denominations the client prefers to choose. This is done with a deterministic frequency table, based on the inputs of the proposed transaction.

Take each input and greedily decompose it into the standard denominations, meaning every input has precisely one decomposition. [45 decomposes greedily into 32+10+3] Count the occurrences of every standard denomination into a frequency table. All those standard denominations, which have a count of 2 or larger, are considered likely denominations.

Notice that currently we remove the largest input from this frequency table calculation. This is so that the whale does not mix alone by himself. Also notice that individual inputs, and not input sums are decomposed. This is because we found that generating the frequency table based on only one input leads to a more accurate Schelling point, which increases anonset count of the finally chosen denominations. Finally, notice that we only calculate one single decomposition for each input, the greedy one, but we could also calculate multiple different [or all possible] decompositions for each input, thus generate a larger frequency table and more likely denominations.

Whereas the frequency table should be deterministic as a Schelling point, the actual user's input sum must not be deterministically decomposed, otherwise an adversary who knows the input sum would find out which denominations the client chose. [but not which of the equal outputs he got]

The client takes his input sum [minus fees] and brute-force decomposes into all possible groups of the likely denominations [those with high count in this rounds' frequency table]. We found that in most cases, even with this reduced list of likely denominations, any input sum can be decomposed into up to eight outputs. [Sometimes the wealthiest user gets a non-standard change amount] However, each decomposition has some small amount of sats left over, which is is not put into an output value, but instead pays miner fees.

Sort this list of all possible output groups ascending by leftover amount, and remove those groups which have a leftover amount 1.3x larger than the best option. Further, remove a group if it has a similar largest denomination as another one. [So far everything deterministic, given all coinjoin inputs and the users' input sum]

Out of this shorter list of output amount groups, shuffle and pick randomly one of them. These are non-deterministic denominations which will be registered for the actual coinjoin outputs. If there were no shuffle, but a selection of the amount group with the lowest loss, users would save sats. But arguably having this randomness here increases privacy sufficiently to justify the slight increase in leftover amount cost.

Again, while choosing their own outputs, clients do not know which outputs other clients registered. If the client would have this information, it could possibly increase the quality of it's own output registration substantially.

Notice there is a different decomposition strategies for the frequency table [greedy] and the input sum [brute-force all]. Maybe, having the same decomposition strategy here would lead to better results.

Notice further that there is no rank ordering of the possible denominations based on some ambiguity score or entropy score. Rather, the choice is random, and in some cases, this might result in not optimal outcomes.

Here are some results of our simulation of the current algorithm:

50 inputs 15 users

Median output count:    98
Median change count:    4
Median change percent:  3.2
Median out anonsets:    3.5
Median leftovers:       481

300 inputs 70 users

Median output count:    442
Median change count:    0.5
Median change percent:  0.3
Median out anonsets:    9.6
Median leftovers:       394

Thank you for your consideration to review!


Third Wasabi 2.0 Release Candidate: https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WalletWasabi/releases/tag/v1.98.2.0

Input selection code: https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WalletWasabi/blob/master/WalletWasabi/WabiSabi/Client/CoinJoinClient.cs#L366-L492

Amount decomposer code: https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WalletWasabi/blob/master/WalletWasabi/WabiSabi/Client/AmountDecomposer.cs https://github.com/zkSNACKs/WalletWasabi/blob/master/WalletWasabi/WabiSabi/Client/Decomposer.cs

Decomposition simulation: https://github.com/nopara73/sake

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