Hi Bitcoin Developers,

Based on this [answer][1] from 2014, bitcoin nodes are vulnerable to BGP 
hijacking. There was an incident in March 2022, twitter prefix was hijacked and 
details are shared in 2 blog posts:



'nusenu' had written an article about Tor network being vulnerable to BGP 
hijacking attacks: 

After doing some research I found that RPKI ROA and BGP prefix length can help 
against BGP hijacking attacks. I checked BGP prefix length and RPKI ROA for 
first 10 IP addresses returned in `getnodeaddresses` in bitcoin core and it had 
vulnerable results.


Has anyone written a detailed blog post or research article like nusenu? If not 
I would be interested to write one in next couple of weeks?
Looking for some "technical" feedback, links if this was already discussed in 
past with some solutions.

  [1]: https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/30305/133407


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