thanks for the great reply jeff. i'm going to get a virtual machine set up
on my system later tonight so at the very least, i myself can start testing.

steve - haven't heard from you in almost a week. I'd still really like to
get a look at the test cases and such you set up.


As long as there is light, the darkness holds no fear. And yet, even in the
deepest black, there is life. - Arklan Uth Oslin

I want to leave this world the same way I came into it: backwards and on
fire. - Arklan Uth Oslin

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Jeff Garzik <> wrote:

> Copying from a response posted to "Bitcoin software testing effort"
> as it is relevant to
> a recent thread here...
> Any level of testing is useful and appreciated.  Various types of
> testing that are helpful:
> * "it works" testing:  Simply run the latest Release Candidate (or
> latest version, if released).  Make sure all the basics work (for
> whatever definition of "basics" you desire).  This is the level most
> accessible to casual users.
> * Major features testing:  Develop a short checklist of must-work
> features, and organize volunteers to work together and go through that
> checklist, item by item.  Test each major feature on each major
> platform.
> * Stress and fuzz testing:  Attempt to "stress" the system somehow, or
> randomly corrupt bits of data.  See what breaks.
> * Regression testing:  Record bugs fixed, and develop automated test
> cases that successfully reproduce the bugs on older versions, and
> verify newer versions remain fixed.
> * Unit function testing:  Rigorously exercise each C++ class to ensure
> it behaves as expected at a micro level.
> * Full peer automated testing:  Automated testing of RPC and P2P
> functions is non-existent, because of the difficulty in doing so.
> Find a solution to this problem.
> * Data-driven tests: If possible, write software-neutral, data-driven
> tests.  This enables clients other than the reference one (Satoshi
> client) to be tested.  Embed tests in testnet3 chain, if possible.
> The community at large can be a big help simply by doing the first
> item:  download and run the Release Candidates and the latest version,
> and report any problems.  Even reporting success is fine by me, for
> example: "Version 0.7.1 works for me on Windows 7/32-bit" posted on a
> forum thread.
> It is always very difficult to organize any sort of testing regime
> with open source volunteers that come and go.  Each volunteer chooses
> their level of involvement.  Any amount of testing and test-case
> writing, large or small, is helpful to bitcoin.
> --
> Jeff Garzik
> exMULTI, Inc.
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